Wave Pattern

Managing Metrics

Learn how to create and manage custom metrics in QRiS


A QRiS Metric is a value representing a property of an associated Design, As-Built or Data Capture Event within a Sample Frame polygon. Metric values can be manually entered or derived from a simple calculation using one or more DCE layers, with or without additional input layers, such as DEMs, valley centerlines, etc. Uncertantiy values can also be stored with manually entered metric values.

QRiS Metric definitions are stored within each QRiS Project geopackage. New metrics can be defined within a json definition file and imported into a project. Existing metrics can be edited or deleted.

Viewing Metrics

The current list of metrics stored within a QRiS Project can be viewed under Help/Settings and navigating to the Metrics tab. The Metrics tab displays a list of all metrics defined within the project, including the metric name, description, calculation function, metric paramaters, and other metadata.

Exporting Metrics to JSON Files

Each metric in the list can be exported to a JSON file by clicking the Export button and selecting a location to save the file. The JSON file contains all the information needed to recreate the metric in another QRiS Project or allow for editing and re-importing back into the same project. (see Metric JSON Schema)

Creating New Metrics

New metrics can be created by defining a new metric in a JSON file and importing it into a QRiS Project. The JSON file must follow the Metric JSON Schema.

New metrics must have a unique machine_name, otherwise the import will overwrite an existing metric with the same machine_name.

  1. Create a new metric definition in a JSON file. It is recommended to export an existing metric and use it as a template for the new metric. The JSON file can be created in a text editor or using a JSON editor such as VS Code.
  2. Import the new metric into the QRiS Project by clicking the Import button and selecting the JSON file to import. The import process will validate the JSON file and add the metric to the metric table. If the metric already exists in the project, the import will overwrite the existing metric with the same machine_name.
  3. Review the metric table to ensure the new metric is present and correct.
  4. When you have reviewed the metric table, click the Save button to save the changes to the project geopackage. The geopackage will not be updated unless the Save button is clicked.

Editing Existing Metrics

Metrics can be edited within a QRiS Project. The metric definition can be edited, including the metric name, description, calculation function, metric parameters, and other metadata.

  1. Export the metric to a JSON file by clicking the Export button next to the metric you wish to edit. Save the JSON file to a location on your computer.
  2. Open the JSON file in a text editor and make the desired changes to the metric definition. It is recommended to use VS Code or another JSON editor to ensure the JSON is valid and passes the schema validation.
  3. Save the changes to the JSON file.
  4. Import the edited metric back into the QRiS Project by clicking the Import button and selecting the edited JSON file. The import process will validate the JSON file and update the metric in the metric table. If the metric already exists in the project, the import will overwrite the existing metric with the same machine_name.
  5. Review the metric table to ensure the edited metric is present and correct.
  6. When you have reviewed the metric table, click the Save button to save the changes to the project geopackage. The geopackage will not be updated unless the Save button is clicked.

Deleting Metrics

not yet implemented in QRiS version 0.3.14 Metrics can be deleted from a project, however this action is not reversible. Deleting a metric will remove all metric values associated with the metric from the project geopackage.

  1. Click the Delete button next to the metric you wish to delete. This button is located on the right side of the metric table (you may need to scroll to the right to see it).
  2. A confirmation dialog will appear asking you to confirm the deletion. Click Yes to delete the metric or No to cancel the deletion.
  3. If you click Yes, the metric will be removed from the project geopackage and the metric table will be updated to reflect the change. The geopackage will be updated immediately and the deletion cannot be undone.

Importing Metrics

New and edited metrics can be imported into a QRiS Project:

  1. Clicking the Import button and select the JSON file to import. The import process will validate the JSON file and add the metric to the metric table. If the metric already exists in the project, the import will overwrite the existing metric with the same machine_name.
  2. Review the metric table to ensure the new metric is present and correct.
  3. When you have reviewed the metric table, click the Save button to save the changes to the project geopackage. The geopackage will not be updated unless the Save button is clicked.

Metric JSON Schema

Metric Definition

Field NameDescription
nameDisplay name of the metric
machine_nameUnique identifier for the metric, do not use spaces or special characters
calculation_nameName of the calculation function
default_levelDefault level for the metric, can be "Metric" or "Indicator"
unitsUnits of the metric, Not yet implemented (leave as null)
description(Optional) Description of the metric
definition_url(Optional) URL to a document describing the metric
metadata(Optional) Additional metadata for the metric, including min_value, max_value, precision, and tolerance
metric_paramsParameters for the calculation function


Metadata is additional information about the metric. Some metadata fields are used to set constraints on manually entered metric values, such as min_value, max_value, and precision.

Field NameDescription
min_value(Optional) Minimum value for manually entered metric values
max_value(Optional) Maximum value for manually entered metric values
precision(Optional) Number of decimal places for manually entered metric values
tolerance(Optional) Used to set warining icon if manual value is more than 10% different from automated value

Metric Params

Field NameDescription
layersList of DCE layers to use in the calculation
normalization(Optional) Name of the analysis parameter to use for normalization (e.g. metric value per length or area). Currently can be only be "centerline"
surfaces(Optional) List of analysis parameter surfaces to use in the calculation


Layers refer to DCE layers that are used in the metric calculation. Each layer must have a layer_name and can have additional parameters such as usage, count_field, and attribute_filter.

Field NameDescription
layer_nameName of the DCE layer
usage(Optional, Required for some calculations) The usage of the layer in the calculation. (e.g. "denominator for area_proportion)
count_field(Optional) For count calculations, the field to count
attribute_filter(Optional) Filter to apply to the layer

Attribute Filter

Attribute filters can be applied to a layer to filter by a specific field and list of values.

Field NameDescription
field_name(Required) Field to filter on
values(Required) List of values to filter on


Surfaces are raster datasets that can be used in the metric calculation. Each surface must have a surface_name which refers to the name of the analysis parameter of the surface. The user will specify the actual raster to use for the analysis parameter when creating the analysis.

Field NameDescription
surface_nameName of the analysis parameter of the surface. Currently only dem is supprted for use with the gradient calculation.

Analysis Parameters

Analysis parameters are non-dce layers and rasters that can be used in the metric calculation. The user will specify the layer or surface to use for each analysis parameter when creating the analyis.

Analysis ParameterDescription
centerlineValley centerline layer, generally used for normalization (e.g. dam density per length of valley bottom).
demDigital Elevation Model, currently used for supporting the gradient calculation.

Example Metric JSON

    "name": "Dam Density", // Display name of the metric
    "machine_name": "machine_code", // Unique identifier for the metric, do not use spaces or special characters
    "calculation_name": "count", // Name of the calculation function
    "default_level": "Metric", // Default level for the metric, can be "Metric" or "Indicator"
    "units": null, // Units of the metric, Not yet implemented (leave as null)
    "description": null, // (Optional) Description of the metric
    "definition_url": null, // (Optional) URL to a document describing the metric
    "metadata": {
        "min_value": 0, // (Optional) Minimum value for manually entered metric values 
        "max_value": 100, // (Optional) Maximum value for manually entered metric values
        "precision": 2, // (Optional) Number of decimal places for manually entered metric values
        "tolerance": 0.1 // (Optional) Used to set warining icon if manual value is more than 10% different from automated value
    "metric_params": { // Parameters for the calculation function
        "layers": [ // List of DCE layers to use in the calculation
                "layer_name": "structural_elements_points", // Name of the DCE layer
                "count_field": "Structure Count", // (Optional) For count calculations, the field to count
                "attribute_filter": { // (Optional) Filter to apply to the layer
                    "field_name": "Type", // (Required if attribute_filter is used) Field to filter on
                    "values": [ // (Required if attribute_filter is used) List of values to filter on
                        "Dam Complex"
                "layer_name": "structural_elements_lines",
                "attribute_filter": {
                    "field_name": "Type",
                    "values": [
                        "Dam Complex"
                "layer_name": "structural_elements_areas",
                "attribute_filter": {
                    "field_name": "Type",
                    "values": [
                        "Dam Complex"
        "normalization": "centerline" // (Optional) Analysis Parameter to use for normalization. Currently can be only be "centerline"
Wave Pattern

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